
Showing posts from May, 2008

EdTech news

• Teaching with Web 2.0 • Web 2.0 is redefining what and how and with whom we learn. • Wikis- for collaboration and here . • Smartphone tutorial - • Research- Innovative Classroom Practices study • Research on differences in games and simulations- • Research on real life assessment regimes • Research from MERLOT- Powerful E-Learning : A Preliminary Study of Learner Experiences • Why Web 2.0 is about- more than technology - • The LMS as a trap? Considering Online Pedagogy - • Computer-Based Learning Could Transform Public Education within a Decade through “Disruptive Innovation,” experts say • Second life pros and cons

Return to Narnia

It seems like 1300 years since I last blogged on the Chronicles. I will have to see Prince Caspian again, as I have an unsettled view of the film at this point. The effects were good, and the storyline was mainly consistent with the original. Where it departs for me is the presence of a grand theme of essense versus presence. What something is, overriding what something is made of. The theme of mythos is underplayed in the movie for a different vision of grand battle scenes we have seen the like of before. It is like the director thought that the "deep magic" would be too deep for the audience. There is no hint of substantive mythological content- no Bacchus to dance with. More disturbing, there is very little sign of Aslan to dance with.Myth becomes fact but there seems to be little longing for it. And Susan sure killed a bunch of Telmarines with that bow- wonder what Lewis would have thought of that? Apparently Doug Gresham didn't think much of it. Here is a signifi...

Let's Get Celebratory!

We won not one but two awards for our Online Courses...

Tech Geek Blogger

Scobelizer - read 4 yerself. Especially the entry on Microsoft versus the Web...

Christian Higher Education- what is it?

Dr. Pettegrew says: "James Davison Hunter in his well known book "Evangelicalism: The Coming Generation" (published in 1987), suggests that "Somehow, exposure to the realm of higher education weakened the grip of religious conviction over a person's life. Thus whatever religious beliefs and practices an individual carried in with him at the start of his educational sojourn would have either been seriously compromised or abandoned altogether by the time he was ready to graduate. Minimally holding on to the religion of his adolescence would have proven difficult if not impossible" (171). He suggests that this is true not only in secular education but also Christian higher education in Christial liberal arts colleges. In fact, other studies have suggested that Christian students may do less well in Christian colleges, compared to secular colleges, because of a kind of "hothouse" effect at the Christian college, that the students become lethargic and ...

Media News

Facebook sets guidelines TVB Releases Nielsen Survey of Consumption Habits

Day by Day on Vacation

Day One-Saturday we drove to Summerville, SC. We toured the town looking at the shops and the azalea gardens. We missed the blooming but it was still lovely. Day Two:We attended Summerville Baptist on Sunday morning. Most of the staff there is from SBTS. From there we toured the old Middleton Plantation by carriage and by foot. We journeyed on to Patriot’s Point and Mt. Pleasant that afternoon. We had the best meal of our week at The Water’s Edge in Mt. Pleasant. . There we watched the porpoi – or maybe they were dolphins --play and the parade of dogs steeling themselves like hood ornaments on the front of the passing pleasure boats. I had what I would consider the best flounder i ever ate and the service and atmosphere was almost as good... Day Three: Monday morning we toured the Yorktown , the Medal of Honor museum, and ferried out to Fort Sumter . Lunch was at the Okra Grill where everyone had a down home meal. Then on to the Hilton for the conference. The conference started at ...