
Showing posts from August, 2008

Colossians 1:15-20 Exposition

From the text: Christ is supreme, not just prominent, but pre-eminent. Why? Three reasons: a. Because of His relationship to God- v. 15 b. Because of his relation to creation- in Him, through Him, for Him- v. 16-17 c. Because of His relationship to the Church and New Creation- v. 18-20 From Wikipedia: The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart. It is a ranking of the 100 people who most influenced human history. Since publication the book has been hotly debated and its concept widely copied. His criterion was influence. The book was reprinted in 1992 and again in 2000 with several notable revisions made to the original list of 100 people and their associated rankings. Chief among these revisions was the demotion of figures associated with Communism, such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, and the introduction of Mikhail Gorbachev. Hart took sides in the Shakespearean authorship issue and substituted Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxfor...

Fast Food Backlash--

Slow Food?

Links regarding news in educational technology...

Sun Microsystems demo’s open source Virtual World platform for the education community- created by Boston College and the University of Oregon et al. Research and Markets: In Depth Analysis of e-Learning - critical reflection on current state of e-Learning market. A move toward synchronous e-Learning Colleges mine pre-college market - Wall Street Journal Webconferencing software news Blogs in Higher Ed Blackboard’s new social network software Gas prices driving students to online-here is a representative article from the Chronicle Using RSS feeds to disseminate course information Screencasts as scaffolding Open textbook movement- good or bad ? Copyright fight over college textbooks Google unveils on line reference tool Blackboard/Sakai integration on the way, Moodle on Deck Changing Designs of Online Learning

Unknown woman

Going through my collection of photos- Here is RST, a photo taken around 1883-4, and associated with my Smith lineage. I like the hat. The big crucifix may indicate she is Catholic, but that does not fit with that side of the family...who knows??? It may be Reveille Smith but I dunno what the T stands for.

The Story Glory Tells

This flowed out of a series i taught for the Expositors' Class at Highview this summer... We need the peace of Jesus Christ The only shalom that has sufficed We need to let it rule and reign In hearts filled with doubt and pain In our circumstances we find fear But God in heaven draws us near And the peace of Christ o’erflows Overwhelms and holds us close When the accuser accuses And this life abuses In this Peace I am called just For righteousness redeems this dust Each small victory prepares us By each failure we’re undone For our strength is found outside us By His power the battle is won As we stand within the glory Of the hope that in us dwells Christ in Us shall tell the story We’re the stories glory tells On each battlefield yet to come In each defeat of the past By His power His will is done As before the throne we cast Every circumstance from first to last… As we stand within the glory Of the hope that in us dwells Christ in Us shall tell the story We’re the stories glory...

Dog Days for Blogging

I haven't posted much here lately, and for good reason... After spending a week catching up from my summer Doctoral residencey requirement, I was off to the MERLOT International Conference to conduct a workshop on Multiple Intelligences- it may sound like old hat stuff, but I focussed on writing assignments that incorporate such concerns. Met a lot of people, talked in Learning Objectese, and presented as part of a panel discussion late in the conference. Post conference has been spent in catching up...


I’ll cast my life into the river and I will rest within its flow For my pardon and my cleansing- I pray Thee Lord, make it so I’ll flee from the flood of this world and instead I’ll rest my head in the river’s bed I’ll live day by day in its holy undertow And with the river I’ll learn to flow. Place my hard heart into the river’s stream Like a diamond that you polished I would gleam And Lord your currents will- cover me until All I know is you alone As you turn this stony heart into a polished stone So take me down into the river and wash away my sin For my pardon and my cleansing you complete what you begin As I become a stone of grace polished by the currents of your love You make me a rock you’ll build your Kingdom of On earth just as in heaven up above. Anthony Foster August 19, 2008
Recent Research findings having potential ramifications for Learning Solutions • Characteristics of Adult Learners With Implications for Online Learning Design - Cercone, K., AACE Journal • Envisioning the Educational Possibilities of User-Created Virtual Worlds- • A New Pathway for E-Learning: From Distribution to Collaboration and Competence in E-Learning • “Mode-Neutral” pedagogy • Strategies for assessment and potential rubrics for grading online interaction- • 7 things you should know about... Multi-Touch Interfaces - EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative • Short and Swee...