We would tremble in the presence of the Lord our mighty King And be deafened by the roaring of his wondrous sheltering wings To be blinded by the glory of the radiance of His face And our hearts will race to countenance His righteousness and grace We have known of His embrace. Devastated by His kindness and consumed by holiness Purified by righteous searing fire as His Name we confess We have swallowed dust and ashes as our selves we have abhorred Quaking in the courtyard of our Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! His name is to be adored! We have rested by still waters after burning in our bones We have understood the fullness of having Him alone We have known the mystery of those who're wholly satisfied While yet craving more and more of a life that’s crucified. As to ourselves we’ve died… This is no place of easy comfort and familiarity No place to look to others, and no place for apathy For if we remain untouched and not grieved by our gross sin We’ve not tarried in his presence for we ha...