
Showing posts from November, 2010

Thanksgiving Song

Thanks be to our God and Father Thanks be to the Lord Our gratitude will be our mark Our praise will be outpoured Thanks be for what You've done Thanks be for what You're going to do Thanks be for what You are doing now Thank You, thank You, Thank You Thanks be for our blessings Thanks be for Your Light Thanks be for our sufferings Lord thank you for new sight Thanks be for what You've done Thanks be for what You're going to do Thanks be for what You are doing now Thank You, thank You, Thank You Anthony Foster November 25, 2010

Render Me Righteous

Strip away all but your grace Bring your truth to light in my face Distill my heart till my conscience is cured Render me righteous and make me pure Being me to the holy state Rectify my wrongness as on you I wait I relinquish and yield And then I am healed Submit and surrender, As I come now to render That which belongs to you Make me faithful and true For my all in all to you is due I present myself a living sacrifice You find me acceptable, it will suffice All to you I owe. Everything I know Render me righteous, your image to show. Unfetter and loose me Convert and reduce me Until I am holy and pure Render me righteous that I may endure. The altar-fire take me through Make me faithful and true For my all in all to you is due Anthony Foster November 28, 2010

Goodness and Mercy

Follow me all of my days All of my days a sacrifice of praise Hallow me, oh Hallow me Consecrate my life fully Only Lord to Thee… Make me good and make me merciful For your good news it is beautiful As in your courts forever I dwell Of your goodness and mercy Lord I will tell Follow me all of my days All of my days a sacrifice of praise Hallow me, oh Hallow me Consecrate my life fully Only Lord to Thee… I will proclaim you from the housetops Declare your truth in the light I will sing for your mercy never stops Your goodness is ever in sight Follow me all of my days All of my days a sacrifice of praise Hallow me, oh Hallow me Consecrate my life fully Only Lord to Thee… Anthony Foster November 28, 2010

How could I be without you?

Who would I be, where would I be How could I be without you? Righteous sufferer, you did not please yourself You would not have your own way Reproached Savior, You gave away your wealth You gave yourself away. Servant to the circumcision Manifest there on your cross Cut off completely from the Father Forsaken, all but lost Their supreme weapon was killing, But your supreme weapon was dying Despising the shame, you were willing To once for all be death defying Who would I be, where would I be How could I be without you? Who would I be, where would I be How could I be without you? Anthony Foster November 28, 2010

We Are Not Our Own

We are not our own, we are not our own. We are bought with a price, we are not our own. All our possessions threaten to possess us And all our politics and plans rot us to the bone But all our loss can become gain E’re dung becomes our throne We are set free when we believe That we are not our own. Some will mark their bodies and some will pursue wealth Some will end up in the ditch and lose their minds or health For each one goes their own way but we’ll reap what we have sown To live is Christ and to die is gain for we are not our own. Each man does what he thinks Is right in his own mind And there’s no room for God in that space We seek what we really want to find Our selves we seek to realize Our selves we seek to save But there’s no light within our eyes Who are bound up in the grave We don’t need to be better We need the source of life alone Who frees us from our fetters For we are not our own. We are not our own, we are not our own We are redeemed and reconciled and God is on the...


I will ever be astonished I will ever stand in awe That though I should have been punished, under judgment of the law We wear glory on our faces now so let the Lord be praised I stand amazed, I stand amazed, I stand amazed. Grateful for the gift of living Grateful for the gift of grace Grateful to be found repenting Raised by falling on my face A prodigal with no remorse A sinner who loved sin An enemy who hates his source A loser who could never win I stand astonished, I stand in awe That the Lord of all glory, the lamb without flaw Travelled far beyond time and split apart space To reach down and draw us up into His grace He who is perfect and holy and just Chose us from the foundation of this world to trust To live and to move and In Christ to be Bearers of His image and bound to be free. Anthony Foster November 23, 2010

No Other Name

He was forsaken, forgiven are we He was cast down so raised up we could see He was bound over to sin and the law Picked up a cross and then laid down His all. Despising the shame Bearing our blame Now his name is above Every other name No other name under heaven No other name is given From age to age the same He has the words of life we can know There is none other to whom we can go. Anthony Foster November 23, 2010


In our laments we're tossed about All the sorrows, all the tears Of our wanderings You have taken account A wasted wilderness of years. A remnant of the battle Though they flow as Jordan rolls Put our tears in Your bottle. Are they not found in Your scroll? A memorial of sorrow The drops fall from our eyes Though they cut us to the marrow They are changed into a prize In the days of our pilgrimage In the days of our sojourn In the devastating damage There are lessons we must learn Christ receives our tears And stores them to his keep We forget our fondest fears And in supplication weep For as the teardrops flow Our contrition he’ll employ For as he receives our tears He returns them as pure joy. So let mourning turn to dancing Lamentation turns to praise Sorrow turns to sustinence As we turn our eyes to gaze On the glory of the suffering In the fellowship of pain In the surety of the savior Who turns our loss to gain. Anthony Foster November 22, 2010