Draw Near

God will set us free from darkness He shall set us free from fear There is freedom in His presence If we only will draw near. We can rise with wings like eagles Till the valley disappears We shall mount up to His mountain If we only will draw near As we venture ever closer We discover faith's frontier We must walk a long obedience As the Father draws us near In the blessings, in the burdens He shall sanctify our tears And our Joy shall be completed If we only will draw near Bridge So now draw near to the Father Set your mind on things above For he draws us from the wells of death And showers us with love As we lift Him up were lifted Brought unto His mercy seat As we raise our hearts up to Him We discover His heartbeat. So cleanse your hands, you sinners, Let His fire your hard heart sear Purge your hearts, you double-minded. Mourn and weep with holy tears Let your laughter turn to mourning Cease your joy as gloom appears Humble yourselves before God- He'll exalt an...