The Calvary Road

On the way of suffering-The straight and narrow path The savior took each step by step to save us all from wrath to love us to the uttermost he walked the walk that day It was His choice it was his plan every step of the way Every step on the Calvary road meant, “I love you.” With a love that we cannot comprehend Every Calvary step on that road said “I love you.” And having loved his own he loved us to the end! He walked the road of righteousness and not once did he balk God himself designed and mapped the way that he should walk And in obedience he endured the cross and despised the shame And so he has been given the name above all names Every step on the Calvary road meant, “I love you.” With a love that we cannot comprehend Every Calvary step on that road said “I love you.” And having loved his own he loved us to the end! So let us fix our eyes on Jesus Faith’s foremost pioneer The author and perfector of our faith has drawn us near His joy is fo...