The Eye of the Lord

Ayin Adonai (The Eye of the Lord)

Come you flood of tears like the rain
Dwell in our eyes for our grief and pain
Our souls have need of your flowing release
And from this Grace will flow perfect peace.

God will wipe away every tear one day
But today our mourning is displayed
And he will catch up and bottle each tear
For in His book they all appear.

The ones who for his lovingkindness are thirsty
The ones who trust in His good mercy
Their death is precious in the eyes of the Lord
Now unbolt our hearts to let in Your Word.
Unbolt our hearts to love

For as pain pours forth from our eyes
His eye sees every one who cries
While we are weary, while we weep
From within us deep cries unto deep

The ones who for his lovingkindness are thirsty
The ones who trust in His good mercy
Their death is precious in the eye of the Lord
Now unbolt our hearts to let in Your Word.
Unbolt our hearts to love
Help us to see with the eye of the Lord.

Anthony Foster
April 7, 2008

Revelation 7:1
Ps 56:8; Job 16:20


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