
Showing posts from January, 2010

Reading List just got Longer

Looking forward to a couple of good reads- both by Thomas Sowell ,Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow at The Hoover Institution, Stanford University... Intellectuals and Society and The Quest for Cosmic Justice.

Ordered our Tickets

Looking forward to this at ATL next Sunday- This musical tribute to Ella Fitzgerald is an amazing performance that takes a trip down memory lane with a legend and her band. It’s a trip you won’t want to miss! Featuring breathtaking songs like “That Old Black Magic” and “They Can’t Take That Away From Me,” and stories of her extraordinary life and personal resilience, Ella captures the essence of the woman behind the microphone, delivering a sensational live concert that channels her remarkable voice.

When the veil shall part

When the veil shall part, Christ will rend our hearts And the truth shall be revealed. When the veil shall part, then repentance starts And we shall be truly healed When our minds are confronted with a new reality When the hearts of the hunted are given eyes that truly see And the shadows of darkness lift and give us clarity We shall then be free, yes truly free… When the veil shall part, we will fill our hearts All the cravings that have been concealed By our fallen minds and eyes that are blind In His light our spirits shall yield For then we shall see him as he truly is We will bend the knee and in one accord believe As we see, finally see and bend the knee Clearly see with clarity So part the veil so we may truly see! Anthony Foster January 26, 2009

Free Spirit

In the final analysis, when it comes down to dust, There only one way to be free, one place to place your trust Free to serve the mighty King All else becomes our slavery Bound to passions that will clip your wings But whom the Son sets free is free indeed. There’s only one way to be free And that is as a prisoner of love Held fast forever is the true liberty Bound by the chains forged above. There’s only one way to be free And that’s to be held captive by grace, God’s heart’s desire and yours agree That is the only unencumbered place For his yoke is easy and his burden is light And this is the only place where all is right Your spirit soars as it is freed Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Anthony Foster January 25, 2009


Earthbound follies leave us vacant Earthbound follies leave us lost For we were never created To suffer such a cost Missing the glory Missing the beauty Missing the profound way, Made for dancing in the deep But sitting in decay. So curse God and die… if you must But it’s so much better to tie yourself to trust There’s only One that is faithful Only One that is True Only One Savior He’s waiting for you. There’s only One that is faithful Only One that is True Only One Savior He’s waiting for you. There’s only One that is faithful Only One that is True Only One Savior He’s waiting for you. Anthony Foster January 27, 2010

Life Preserver

Preserve our life, secure us, your own Preserve our life-consecrate it to you alone Not to us oh Lord, not according to our ways But to You be all the glory, all honor and praise! Preserve our life within your holy place Reserve our life as vessels of your grace Defend our cause, plead our case Deliver us from the Evil one Until your Kingdom Comes. If we glory let us glory in the way that we are weak For power is perfected in the powerless who seek To cast their all upon the living altar made of flesh The sacrifice made once for all- this bread that’s ever fresh. Preserve our life within your holy place Reserve our life as vessels of your grace Defend our cause, plead our case Deliver us from the Evil one Until your Kingdom Comes. January 28, 2010 Anthony Foster

Bless my Memory

I awaken with a start, pulse a- pounding with my heart As I’ve dreamed another nightmare of the soul Like a vision dark but clear I am flushed with fiery fear And I’m on the verge of losing all control. For a moment I’m a prisoner of a still fresh memory My past life rears its ugly head as my mind plays tricks on me And I need a check on my reality. For in those moments chains of doubt Come to my heart and find me out I surely need your Grace to see me through For I was lost but now I’m found That former life can’t keep me bound But sometimes Lord I find it hard to trust You understand that I am only dust. So I will remember the day when you taught me how to pray And pray I will until my knees are sore For there is no lack in you- my hard heart hasn’t got a clue Yet you dwell inside me at my very core That’s what you have promised, and that’s what I believe I’ll trust, adhere, rely on this thing impossible to conceive This gift that I have received There are moments chains of doubt C...

The Faithful Fiery Few

Like Gideon’s army who were held to a higher account Change us from vacant visionaries to a never flagging fount Living water flowing through us in directions that are true Lord hasten your arrival, make us the faithful fiery few From broken cisterns that are stagnant cause your river now to flow Turn our passion to compassion as we rise against the foe Rend our garments in our outrage put on raiment that is new Quicken now our broken spirits make us the faithful fiery few Lord revive us as your remnant and our numbers multiply Fill our wineskins with your Spirit as we overturn the lie May your power mount within us, by your Spirit make us new We your purpose powered priesthood make us the faithful fiery few Lord then take this revived remnant and let the fire grow Until we’ve become a multitude of soldiers on the go Till we cover all the nations and we do what we must do Until many see and fear you, make us the faithful fiery few. Anthony Foster January 26, 2009

The Ark Sails On

Timeless and eternal, no markings or measures In an endless flight toward endless pleasures Mark one, mark two, mark three, mark four. We sail through the way who is the door We soar, we soar, we soar- Through endless wonder evermore. All aboard, all aboard Open the ark fling open the door. Come inside and abide In this ark we shall glide to that peaceful shore. The flood is arising so come inside. Oh sinner, what are you waiting for? Endless journey, endless flight Riding o’er chaos into that sweet night Gone is the turmoil on this glassy sea We would drown in the depths of His serenity He still hovers over the deep as He sings And we hover with him beneath his sweet wings So gone is the legacy o’er which we weep Gone is the fear of the eternal sleep For lo we are waking to eternal dawn And with our soul’s captain we sail on and on. Now the tumult that would take us under Is quiet and peaceful and still For all us voyaging pilgrims Who would sail to the end of His will. Timeless and ...

Slow in the Wonder (Idle My Soul)

Take me on a journey, Take me down the road To Emmaus or wherever Just as far as we can go May the walk clear my vision Let it idle my soul May I slow in the wonder As I see what you show. Take me on a journey, Take me down the road In step with your Spirit As I carry a light load Keep me from the detours Keep me from the slough Make my path a straight one As I’m following You. The walk will clear my vision Let it idle my soul May I slow in the wonder As I see what you show. Anthony Foster January 28, 2010

Be Our Sight

I’ve the memory of a prisoner, in a life that’s been unbound These memories of being lost now help me know I’m found I remember well the precious day When Lord Jesus taught me to pray And I was transformed from darkness into light And the change was made complete As I cast myself on His mercy seat Then desolation gave way to vibrant sight Show us your plan and purpose, show us your mercy sweet Show us the road before us where compassion is complete From memories of darkness guide us to the glorious light Where despairing cries of anguish turn to songs that fill the night. Be our sight, be our sight, be our sight. Now the tremors in our souls give way to pure and profound peace Resting in your righteous refuge Where the prisoner is released Fathomless fear gives way to faith as we’re held safe and secure No more nightmares of our former ways, sweet dreams instead endure. Show us your plan and purpose, show us your mercy sweet Show us the road before us where compassion is complete From ...

Starting a fire takes practice

This struck me as analogous to evangelism at many levels... The important lesson to learn is how to properly use a firesteel in combination with cotton tinder, followed by effective fire building skills at home or in a controlled camping environment before you embark on a backcountry journey in which a lack of these skills could inhibit your safety. * Practice sparking the firesteel onto tinder at home * Practice adding kindling to the tinder * Practice building small fires from the kindling * Practice keeping a fire going There is a theme that seems to be occurring here - practice, practice, practice. Use the following informative photos as a starting point. Keep in mind that the striker has an 'up' and 'down' side. The method by which the metal is pressed creates a sharp edge and a dull edge. The side marked 'up' should be facing you when you strike so that the sharp edge causes sparks.


Here's a link to an artcle on hidden access points to Windoze 7, notwithstanding delusions of grandeur.

Musings on God's Will

Just posted this to Rob's site ... who is... "pondering the much taught principle of knowing God's will BEFORE we make decisions." Paradox here. We walk by faith and not by sight. It's much harder to become aligned with God's will than knowing God's will, I think, but a "prayer for alignment" is one God will answer with an "amen" (James 1:5). Staying clean by the power of the Spirit before Him gives us sensitive ears to hear Him shout the obvious. But I find He often says " me, not your senses." We may even come to points where we doubt in the darkness what we heard in the light but 2 Chronicles 16:9 still attains. Holiness implies devotion, and we often like Abram have to engage in going without knowing. There are many levels of trust that reveal themselves in different contexts, by grace. Power is perfected in weakness, and grace is ever sufficient. So the better we know His character the better we can apprehend His ...

Christmas Epiphany Theophany

January 6 is celebrated variously as Christ's birthday (Armenia), the revelation of the Trinity at the baptism of Christ (Theophany), or the celebration of the Incarnation (Epiphany). Here's a little ditty in remembrance of Him... Whom have we, Lord, like you? The Great One who became small, the Wakeful who slept, The Pure One who was baptized, the Living One who died, The King who abased himself to ensure honor for all. Blessed is your honor! It is right that man should acknowledge your divinity, It is right for heavenly beings to worship your humanity. The heavenly beings were amazed to see how small you became, And earthly ones to see how exalted. ~ St. Ephrem the Syrian E sursum Agnus mittitur laxare gratis debitum; omnes pro indulgentia vocem demus cum lacrimis. The Lamb descends from heaven above to pardon sin with freest love: for such indulgent mercy shewn with tearful joy our thanks we own. ~ Prudentius, Vox Clara

A pastiche of themes in Avatar to ponder

Spoiler ALERT! I have heard from several people recommending that I see the movie- which I had already planned to do- I believe to comment, one must have seen the source material.Forgive me if what follows contains redundancies, as I started typing and this is what emerged. What did I think? My simple aesthetic response in review is that I thought that visually, it was what was to be expected. What was amazing to me was the poverty of the story. I saw it as utterly predictable, and a rehash of so many other movies. There were so many layered, multiple allusions to other stories without total commitment to any of them. Elements of animism, pantheism, near eastern,and indigenous paganism emerge. One thing one must grapple with on the front end is Cameron's role in the culture as a Christ hater who actively puts resources and influence into denying the resurrection- that makes him an antichrist according to the definition of 1 John 2:22 (that's not the only definition). It is dif...

100 things we didn't know last year...

It's always nice to learn a hundred things in a small amount of time...I knew quite a few of them, but learned a few things too...and I adm it, there are some I have never thought about till now.