The Faithful Fiery Few

Like Gideon’s army who were held to a higher account
Change us from vacant visionaries to a never flagging fount
Living water flowing through us in directions that are true
Lord hasten your arrival, make us the faithful fiery few

From broken cisterns that are stagnant cause your river now to flow
Turn our passion to compassion as we rise against the foe
Rend our garments in our outrage put on raiment that is new
Quicken now our broken spirits make us the faithful fiery few

Lord revive us as your remnant and our numbers multiply
Fill our wineskins with your Spirit as we overturn the lie
May your power mount within us, by your Spirit make us new
We your purpose powered priesthood make us the faithful fiery few

Lord then take this revived remnant and let the fire grow
Until we’ve become a multitude of soldiers on the go
Till we cover all the nations and we do what we must do
Until many see and fear you, make us the faithful fiery few.

Anthony Foster
January 26, 2009


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