Marvelous Myst’ry

The Lord has been gentle, so gentle to me
Lovingkindness is all I see
He sends me love notes from heaven above
And nothing shall separate us from His love.

Our hearts are made of miry clay
When troubles rise our souls give sway
We call you Lord for fail to obey
Our spirits groan our hungering need
We break our lives on living stone
All the truth that can be known
Confronted by the seed we’ve sown
Yield naught but broken reeds.

But the bruised reed you will not break
The smoking flax you will not quench
You heal us for your glory’s sake
Pouring peace on the man who repents

The Lord has been gentle, so gentle to me
His Lovingkindness is all I see
He sends me love notes from heaven above
And nothing shall separate us from His love.

You enter into that violated place
And shed abroad your glorious grace
On eyes that have not more tears to weep
A place where the brokenness is deep
These gates you enter and reveal
The marvelous myst’ry by which we are healed.

The Lord has been gentle, so gentle to me
Lovingkindness is all I see
He sends me love notes from heaven above
And nothing shall separate us from His love.

Anthony and Earnestine Foster
December 19, 2010


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