We lift our Eyes

A reservoir of hurt and shame
Where drowning in the dust and pain
We betray our bent and bear the blame
Oh Christ help us long to confess
Help us receive
Help us believe in your beautiful brokenness.

Repentence for sin yields up peace as we yield
Healing is ours if we would be healed.
Give the gift of your beautiful brokenness
We need your rod when our hearts fail to confess

We recall the stall where holiness lies
We hear the word of life as he prophesies
Ponder incarnation’s mysteries
How gospel truth has set us free
As to the cross we lift our eyes
We see the son of God arise

We lift our eyes, we lift our eyes
To see the glory of our God arise
And see his grave as he descends
The light no darkness comprehends
We lift our eyes, we lift our eyes
To the cross where the God of glory dies
And see as glory is revealed
And by his stripes now we are healed.

Purge my sin for woe is me
I am undone so I’m set free
The grace on which my heart depends
The breath of life and forgiveness of sins
New creation and a heart that’s cleansed.

Through life arise, through death arise
From the depths of darkness we arise
The light of new birth breaks on our eyes
And so with Christ we shall arise.

Anthony Foster
December 2010


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