Victory Song
We will take the bread and we will drink the cup And it will be our sustinance so we shall drink it up So eat his body drink his blood From the slaughtered lamb that stood. This living holy water pours And so the victory is ours Victory, victory Yes Grace shall have the victory For mercy overflows To every one who knows The triumph of the cross, the final victory! The bruising of his heel has crushed the serpent’s skull And all that will be left is and empty voided hull The power of the cursed one will then at last be null The power of the cursed one will then at last be null When we remember we must recall Not just his death but his all in all From the garden to the grave The promised seed must save Through the promised covenant his blood He gave. Death has passed us by There is no more death to die For he bore our Sin and so our sins forgave The true tree of life has risen From earth’s devastating dust Into Him we are ingrafted And in Him we place our trust. So we will take the ...