Freight Train

Bringing peace beyond all knowledge
Powering over this terrain
Over mountains and through valleys
Coming like a mighty train

A miracle like a freight train –a special delivery.
Miracle like a freight train bearing down on me
Runaway runaway grace poured out on me

Unstoppable, it’s roaring
through the landscape of my mind
Undeterrable, its running
right on schedule-on God’s time

A miracle like a freight train –a special delivery.
Miracle like a freight train bearing down on me
Runaway runaway grace poured out on me

It rumbles through my comforts
Ease is crushed beneath its wheels
Pleasure takes on a new meaning
In the light this miracle reveals

A miracle like a freight train – take me where I cannot see.
Miracle like a freight train bearing down on me
A miracle like a freight train –sent down from eternity
Miracle like a freight train bearing down on me
Runaway runaway grace poured out on me

Anthony Foster
August 30, 2011


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