See How love Survives

See How Love Survives

You can see how Love survives- in our hearts and in our lives
Through the power of the risen Savior you can see how Love survives...

In those who know their need of Him and the peace of mind they know
You can see those who were in despair who now have been consoled.
In the meek and in the humble and in men who strive for peace
How the power of His Spirit has given them release!

You can see how Love survives- in our hearts and in our lives
Through the power of the risen Savior you can see how Love survives...

It's expressed in acts of mercy though unnoticed every day
In the lives of conflict He's resolved and the pain He takes away
You can see the vict'ry of His Love- how it overpowers hate
How despite the trials of this world He gives cause to celebrate!

You can see how Love survives- in our hearts and in our lives
Through the power of the risen Savior you can see how Love survives...
You can see how Love survives- in our hearts and in our lives
Through the power of the risen Savior you can see how Love survives...

Anthony Foster 1984

This is my favorite song of this era. It expresses the personal victory that Christ worked in my life- he was faithfully completing what he had started and we foungd the joy of fellowship at First Evangelical Church in Memphis- how well we were fed there!


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