Rend Our Veils

In every fairy tale ever written,  every thrilling mystery
Every science fiction work- every alternate reality
Take every myth and legend, Read and you will never find
Things so shocking and so strange, as to boggle the mortal mind
Nothing so weird and wonderful as the soul-shaking, spellbinding story,
Of the incarnation of the Son of God in all His maJestic glory

We would feel the awe, feel the fear,  the marvel of Gods Son
Experience the astonishment,  and exult in all He has done
Oh that we might be stunned and awakened to wonder  
Tear down our walls, rend our veils all asunder
Break on us like a tidal wave sublime!
Show us the glory you had from all time!

Oh Lord, by the word of Your power  You uphold the universe
Now minute by minute, hour by hour You can remove this blinding curse
Holy Spirit,  break into our worship in a terrible, frightening way,
to wake us up to the unimaginable  Reality of our God today!

Being the very image of Gods person,
Begotten by the Father from all eternity,
Through whom all things were created,
Reflecting and radiating all of Gods glory

We would feel the awe, feel the fear,  the marvel of Gods Son
Experience the astonishment,  and exult in all He has done
Oh that we might be stunned and awakened to wonder  
Tear down our walls, rend our veils all asunder
Break on us like a tidal wave sublime!
Show us the glory you had from all time!

One day lightning will fill the sky from the rising to the setting sun,
One day the Breaker King will return and then all time will be done
For there is going to appear in the clouds  our Sovereign Savior-Sire
The Son of Man in Glory with his mighty angels in flaming fire.

Whether from terror or sheer excitement,  we will tremble and wonder how
We lived so long with such a safe and harmless Christ as we are undone and we bow.

We would feel the awe, feel the fear,  the marvel of Gods Son
Experience the astonishment,  and exult in all He has done
Oh that we might be stunned and awakened to wonder  
Tear down our walls, rend our veils all asunder
Break on us like a tidal wave sublime!
Show us the glory you had from all time!

December 25, 2018
Anthony Foster


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