Hold Fast

Hold fast your hope-Cling to it to the last
God's gift is the enabling power to hold fast
Hold fast your hope-Your will before Him cast
For Christ renews our mind-With the desire to hold fast

Hold fast to the Father Who holds your very tears
He holds the world together and so we may draw near
He holds onto your right hand firm unto the end
Our hope is in our keeper- Held fast, hold on to Him

Hold fast your hope Today ands in the past
Yet he fulfills his will in us And sees our strength hold fast
Hold fast your hope with assurance sure and vast
Triumph exhorts us ever on And calls us to hold fast

Hold fast to the Father Who holds your very tears
He holds the world together And so we may draw near
He holds onto your right hand Firm unto the end
Our hope is in our keeper Held fast, hold on to Him

Hebrews 3:6,14
Hebrews 6:18
Hebrews 10:23
Isaiah 41:13
Ps 56:8
Ps 121:5

Anthony Foster
March 28, 2019


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