We Wish You a Mysterious Christmas

Wonder fills us with astonishment. -This infant reveals the Ancient of Days He who sits upon the heavenly throne -Now lies in a manger while angels sing praise And he who cannot be touched, Lies subjected to human hands. He who has broken the bonds of sinners Is now bound by an infant’s bands. Now ignominy becomes honor, And infamy is clothed with glory, Humiliation measures his goodness-He’s decreed this mysterious story. For this he assumed my body, That I may embrace His word; He quickens my mind and opens my ears so eternal truth can be heard! Let all the earth rejoice-Let all the earth rejoice The baby born to us this day-Was spoken by God’s voice. He prepares for us life’s treasure- He bestows, and we receive He takes our flesh and we’re sanctified He gives His Spirit, that we may believe. For this day the ancient slavery’s ended, the Devil confounded, now demons take flight, The power of death once for all is broken! To those in ...