Christmas Song

A festive and rejoicing heart is filled with quiet love
I am set aright and set apart as I set my mind on things above
Shadows flee as I set one foot in front of another in this light
For Christmas cheer and Christmas glory drive away the night

This Christmas I am here with friends and family and wife
Confronted with how much I’m blessed to have this blessed life
And so my tongue declares this love, my lips will sing out praise
On the mysterious marvelous birth of the Ancient of Days

So ring you bells within my heart cry out on Christmas Day
Declare that life and light has come to show us all the Way
We sing of mercy and of grace that gave to us His Son
This Christmas points us to the place where God’s  good will is done.

For we have seen a great light, we received Emmanuel
We have embraced the incarnate in hands of dust so frail
As He was born to give new birth, he gives new wine and song
He is the great gift giver of eternal life ‘ere long.

Who was and is and is to come and evermore shall be
Our God took on flesh and bone to become like you and me.
He came to destroy Satan’s works He came our souls to save
So Christmas is a special time to enjoy the gift He gave.

So ring you bells within my heart cry out on Christmas Day
Declare that life and light has come to show us all the Way
We sing of mercy and of grace that gave to us His Son
This Christmas points us to the place where God’s  good will is done.

December 25, 2019
Anthony Foster


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