My Portion Forever (Revive Our Souls)

Revive our souls oh Lord-With resurrection power
Mercy from above outpoured-In this perfectly timed hour.
Revive our souls oh Lord-Beside still waters lead
Our hearts need to be restored-So for new grace we plead.

You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever
You shall not depart from us nor forsake us, no never
You are the strength supplied for each and every endeavor
You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever

Exhausted and ready to fall But your life-giving water flows
Refresh our faith,  cover us all As your mystery you disclose
In ourselves we feel very weak  Helpless and unable to cope. 
Our  flesh fails, our outlook is bleak Our hearts can only hope against hope

But whatever the reason 
For this despondent season, 
Lord we will not yield. 
We will trust in You to whom worship is due
For you are our strength and our shield

Revive our hearts oh Lord Our spirits make steadfast
Unite our hearts in one accord Be our portion each day as you’ve been in the past

You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever
You shall not depart from us nor forsake us, no never
You are the strength supplied for each and every endeavor
You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever
You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever
You are the strength of our heart and our portion forever

Psalm 73:26; Psalm 23:2–3; 1 Samuel 13:14
Anthony Foster


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