Here is a monograph I wrote back in 2007 concerning what we can learn as teachers from Jesus' pedagogy. __________________ by Anthony W. Foster March 15, 2007 JESUS AS MASTER TEACHER Teachers teach. This is the first and foremost thing teachers, college or otherwise, do. But biblically speaking, what does it mean to “teach”? As a starting point in determining this basic concept, Roy Zuck has presented a study of the Hebrew and Greek words translated as “teach” and has written, “Based on these nine Hebrew words, Christian teaching is (a) making others familiar with divine truths, (b) giving discernment, (c) warning, (d) imparting knowledge, (e) correcting, (f) guiding, (g) training, (h) giving wisdom and insight, and (i) inculcating…. The Hiphil form may also show that teaching is helping pupils be what he teacher already is, and helping pupils know what the teacher already knows. In other words, a...