My Soul’s Lament

Dead to this world alive to what is true
To die to earthly things that I’ve pursued
Wood hay and stubble I have acquired
May they burn away in your purifying fire
The holy fire of new desire

O’er my sin make me weep, 
By your kindness my heart keep
Lead me to confess and repent, 
This is my sorrowed soul’s lament.

To hate my sin and then to turn
From what I hate and then to yearn
For righteous fervor to replace
These depths of darkness fill with grace
Restore the rubble and the waste

Over my darkness let me grieve
May I mourn enough to make me leave
Yea, cast aside the old man’s bent
This is my sorrowed soul’s lament.

To you the Living God My heart and flesh cry out
You are the only solace I can see
Redeem this slave to iniquity and doubt
Break my chains and set me free

Reaping what I have sown today
Forgive my failure to obey
Oh let my self-veiled heart be rent
This is my sorrowed soul’s lament.

September 12, 2021
Anthony Foster



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