Light My Path and Load My Heart

There is a darkness all around underneath a thin veneer
A degradation there is found that mortals tend to fear
There in this present darkness deep Souls cry for help and for relief
They are weeping through the night, And longing for the light

But the night is nearly over;  the day is now in sight 
So put aside the deeds of darkness  and put on the armor of light.
The dawn has come.  Our God shall make the way
Nothing can stop the rising  of the Son to fullest day.

So Light my path and load my heart
Light my path and load my heart
Light my path and load my heart
With the fiery light of the Lord

The closer we draw to the light The clearer we apprehend
The darkness that indwells our souls We no longer can pretend
So be a lamp unto my feet A light unto my path
Lord show me clearly what I am And save me from your wrath

Light my path and load my heart
Light my path and load my heart
Light my path and load my heart
With the fiery light of the Lord!

October 10, 2021

Anthony Foster



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