Educational technology links

Participation in an Online Learning Community- discusses the need for a pedagogical approach that relies heavily on social, collaborative and ethical aspects of learning as a starting point for the design of online learning communities.

More research supports the idea that the successful traits of a distance learner are similar to the successful traits of an adult learner in traditional educational settings.

Problem based Learning research.

Athabasca University Elluminate seminars:Case study in Problem Based Learning.

And Effective use of context in learning.

Research on Fostering equitable University access.

Applications to colleges are breaking records- The swelling population of 18-year-olds is not supposed to peak until 2009, when the largest group of high school seniors in the nation’s history, 3.2 million, are to graduate.

A Taste of Web 2.0- article

A good video on Web 2.0 differences from jutecht on YouTube-

Piano Lessons online-This was curiously interesting to see how they are doing it -

Google’s next conquest- Academic Research.


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