Newest Newsy News

Recent research and news
• Elluminate Builds Bridge to Moodle-Collaborative technology developer Elluminate has brought its Live! virtual classroom software to the Moodle platform. The company released a piece of software Tuesday called Elluminate Bridge for Moodle, which is designed to integrate Live! into the open-source learning management system:

• Sloan-C Report: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning: >

• Community of Inquiry- >

• Second Life- > and

• Research on positive effects of hypertext on reading comprehension-> (contact Anthony for copy)

• Eduventures conducted research to better understand the views, attitudes, usage, and future demand/ownership of various technologies and brands among college students. The research, conducted via a Web survey, targeted 18- to 24-year-old students enrolled full-time at a four-year college or university. Among students responding to the question, which of the following devices do you currently own, 79 percent own a laptop compared to 49 percent who own a desktop; 30 percent own both. >

• Today's business students have grown up with computer-based simulations. So it's only natural that business simulations are growing in popularity in business-school programs—and threatening the once unassailable dominance of the case study (BusinessWeek, 1/24/08). Online learning simulations are Internet-based games that allow students to perform tasks such as overseeing operations management of a virtual factory or serving as chief executive of a virtual business and networking with other executives. >

• Adobe pushing Flash for Learning- Adobe emphasized a view of learning around Flash for video and an animated Web at their stand during Learning Technologies, a show at Olympia in London last week. Although the word "Acrobat" is still used to describe a software product there was almost no mention for the Portable Document Format (PDF) widely assumed to be still a significant proportion of current income. The implication is that Adobe anticipates a Web based less on text and learning environments based less on paper. >


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