The More I Read the more it makes me Sick

This is a time of grief and horror for so many of my friends. If I, who cut ties with FBCM as part of my journey years ago am so affected by this-- how much more must they be? I remember once telling Fred just after 9/11 that I wish I had a rocket launcher- I sort of feel that way again today.Anger, rage, deep sadness, and loss. Just like building muscle means breaking it down first, there is an analogy with spiritual growth. Maybe there will come some fruit from all this but it is surely hard to fathom how at this point in time. What men work for evil, God works for good.

Sounds like Terry Sedlacek's lawyer is setting up an insanity plea according to press releases. Sounds like the parents knew he was mentally ill and still allowed him to brandish guns and knives. I've been praying for the Winters family today and pondering the shootings that have been occurring across the country in the past few months. Now we are hearing that Sunday was designated Death Day by the assailant in his day timer. This young man has not only decimated a beautiful family and a man who sought to serve the Lord, he violated a community of people in the body of Christ at Maryville.

Excuse me while I work this out...and I will.


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