Wotta Lotta week

*Monday- Finished the information Technology program Core then worked on Prospectus after work.

*Tuesday- Began BA/BS Business with a Healthcare focus curriculum design and after work worked on Prospectus continued until 5:30 AM

*Wednesday- Got up at 8AM Drove the Prospectus, Research Profile, and Ethics Committee forms to Southern. Done! Came home and finished the Business Curriculum and sent it off. Went to Highview and filled out cards for ABF event.

*Thursday- Curriculum Design- Medical Assisting with a Certified Nursing Assistant Certification Designed and sent off. Met with Missy for home study. Watched a really bad Fred Astaire movie we had never seen- Second Chorus...

*Friday- GED curriculum designed and sent off. Checked MERLOT again and their server is down YET AGAIN. They say "sorry for the inconvenience"- I have a collection of those now I should try to sell on ebay. But who would buy that?

My mind...where di di ditit go? Ready for a weekend as I have already written-a week ahead- the Expositors class lesson for this week at Highview.

Last week-

*Defended prospectus Thursday successfully- but I don't get an extension on time must finish the revisions over Easter weekend.

*Good Friday- Was supposed to be off, but worked on a Information Technology core curriculum Design instead.

*Saturday- Prepared ABF lesson and then worked on Prospectus rest of day into the night.

*Resurrection Sunday- He is Risen! He is risen indeed- but I barely am.

I taught on the exaltation of the stone that was rejected and the link between 1 Cor 15:24 ff and Hebrews 1:13-----Psalm 110:1. We had dinner at Moms with the family but I wasn't much company. Came home and napped.


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