A Day Well Spent

I had a chance to take a day off today and took it. I could have stayed at home and made progress on my research. I finished collecting the data yesterday and now it is time to start the content analysis. This phase of the work was a prolonged and daunting, even tedious endeavor. Instead I made a trip to the seminary campus to enjoy all the recent changes- the flowers were in full bloom and the trees are back to their former beauty after the ice storm cleanup of a few months ago.I must say that the additions and changes to campus are inspiring and aesthetically gratifying. Now we have lots of beautiful benches and places to gather. The new bookstore is beautiful and the cafe expansion was a pleasure to view as well. Since I entered the research phase of my degree I had not spent much time on campus. With the campus between sessions on a Saturday I had time to absorb the changes and renew my vision for why I am pursuing this degree. It was a great help to feel a part of the ongoing legacy of something much larger than myself. The time was well spent- I believe I’ll be able to start the next leg of the journey with a clearer vision than working all sequestered away in my home office can afford.

I was able to get a great deal (about 60 percent off) on a series of DVD's on our American Heritage by historian David Barton of Wallbuilders.

Then after lunch at Smokey Bones, we were off to explore The Summit. We discovered a Mitchell's Fish Market there- just like the one we enjoyed at Newport last year- you never know what will turn up when you start looking- we'll return there sometime when we get a fish craving. We had a tremendous rainstorm while there but enjoyed the beautiful flowers and music in their environment. It was a great day for window shopping...and getting in a good walk...

We ended the evening laughing ourselves silly watching my favorite Marx Brothers film- A Night
At The Opera
and were reminded again...There ain't no sanity clause...


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