Bumped into this inadvertantly...

Wood, Hay, and Stubble 23:01:03

I am a pilgrim and a stranger A sojourner walking a pathway of danger
A citizen of a city above Nothing on earth can compete with this love
Nothing of earth can compete with this love.

What need have I of temporary crowns When the most precious one is the one I'll cast down
At the feet of my Lord when I bow at His throne. There in the place where I'll know as I'm known
There in the place where I'll know as I'm known.

Here where the greatest blessing is wanting Here where desire is a place for my haunting
I will hold loosely and I will go free Sure my possessions do not possess me
Sure my possessions do not possess me.

Wood hay and stubble do not withstand fire To build with them is not what I would desire
For fires are promised to all those God holds To clean, purify and refine us as gold.
To clean, purify and refine us as gold

Anthony Foster January 23, 2003


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