First I saw my friend Amanda, then Rippy and said- now I wonder what we would look like Simpsonized? For my friends who don't Facebook, now we know. 2D flatters me...
Our Good Is His Glory Gods glory is our good This mysterious paradox- It must be understood The Father deems to bless us With a most peculiar wealth He gives us all things freely But more- He gives himself. When blessings pour out on us, It pleased Him to provide As we receive His grace-gifts Our souls are satisfied His children cast upon him Their every care and need It pleases Him to love us And our hungry hearts to feed So as we live and as we move And find our being in Him we prove That he is worthy of our trust Who fashions diamonds from our dust. Of the Most High we partake This privilege for His name's sake The Lord God is most glorified When in Him we're most satisfied! He transforms us to glory The likeness of his Son Till one day we will be like Him When every deed is done But now as image bearers We seek to glorify The One who works within us- He'll complete us bye and bye God's will is working in us to will and do it all As we learn to walk worthy of t...
Bread of Life in you we delight Light of the world you give us sight Door of our entry open wide Good Shepherd be my only guide You are I am, You are I am You are the first and the last Beyond the future and the past Source of reality Our sufficiency All found in you You are faithful and true. The way the truth and the life we’ve found The resurrection and the life abounds In our living vine we will abide To your holiness we flee and hide You are I am, You are I am You are the first and the last Beyond the future and the past Source of reality Our sufficiency All found in you You are faithful and true. Anthony Foster April 17, 2010 John 6:35; 8:12;9:5;10:9; 10:11; 14:6; 15:1; 1 Pet 1:16; Rev 1:8; 19:11
You my God are over me- You are my God above all Your shelt’ring wings cover me- I will not faint, I will not fall You my God are beside me- You never leave nor forsake Oh My Lord abide with me- Walk with me each step I take You are within, without me -You are ever with me here Your presence all about me-My God, I feel you draw near You my God are inside me-Indwell my innermost part Oh Spirit, teach and guide me-Strengthen my weak, fainting heart You are my God so I’ll not fear You are my God so I’ll not fear You are my God so I’ll not fear You my God will surround me-Though dark enemies attack Encompassed all around me-No courage now shall I lack You my God uphold me-You’re undergirding me here Your mighty arms enfold me-I shall not falter nor fear. Over me and by my side-Underneath and all around Strengthen me as I abide-Lord You are my solid ground In You I am strong and bold-With you Lord I persevere I am safe in your stronghold-Secure and sure, I’ll not fear You a...
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