The Garden Kingdom

Your reign is coming and has come
You are sovereign of this garden Kingdom
The whole earth with your glory is filled
And here in this garden we till and are tilled.
We are the new Eden and hearts are the soil
The hearts of humans are the place where we toil
And you send living water to make the seed grow
Until with the harvest you reap what you sow.
Make me a ploughman
Make me one now
Looking not left nor right
Set my hand to your plow
My furrows will lay straight
My lines will run true
The harvest will come
With my eye set on You
You planted the seed in this ground
The blessed hope has taken root.
Raising heavenward the earthbound
And from this garden springs forth fruit.
Make me a ploughman
Make me one now
Looking not left nor right
Set my hand to your plow
My furrows will lay straight
My lines will run true
The harvest will come
With my eye set on You
Anthony Foster
August 4, 2009
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