25 years later...

Hung a while with an old friend and colleague, from the Pink Palace days- my first full blown educational media venture- and here is my cohort in creativity from those days. I can say without reservation that I am proud of the work we did together! I was still known as Tony back then- when we were just babies. Here after all these years we find we are in the same line of work, and both working on PhD's... pretty cool, methinks. Maybe we'll get a chance to work on some projects together again, who knows?


  1. I don't think of it so much as "less hair", but just gravity-redirected-reductive-discolorative hair, since it now all seems to be coming out of your lower face.

    Good to see you back in the good old days ... and you ought to see J and my wedding pictures, 29 years ago. Discolorative and reductive factors massively at work in the interim.


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