More Songs for the Bride of the Lamb

Perfect Peace (Shalom Song)

You- provide a place to rest
We are blessed- in your presence, Lord.
You- draw us to your side
Here we hide- in your presence, Lord.

Every minute, every hour
Every moment by your power
We will pray.

Perfect peace, perfect peace
Sweet release in the depths of our souls
Perfect peace, perfect peace
Will never cease in the depths of our souls.
His name we extol! Jesus- Prince of Peace!

The wisdom of your plan
The might of your right hand
Your wish is our command
You are righteous and just, Jesus!
We lift our hearts in praise
Our songs of faith we raise
Oh author of our days
We will trust Jesus!

Lord give us peace give us power-give us purity
Give us strength in your sovereign security.
Perfect peace perfect peace
Will never cease with Christ in control
Perfect peace, perfect peace
We are priests of peace and your name we extol!

Peace- we cannot understand
Peace- according to your plan
Peace- in your shalom we shall stand
In your shalom all is well- Jesus- Prince of Peace!

Our minds on you are stayed
Our hearts are unafraid
Our souls are given aid
In perfect peace all is well- Jesus- Prince of Peace!

Our spirits are remade
Our every prayer is prayed
Our lives before you laid
In perfect peace all is well.-Jesus- Prince of Peace!

Anthony Foster
October 31, 2009


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