
Showing posts from December, 2009

First blush review of Sherlock Holmes.

The film bears little resemblance to a Conan Doyle story. This is a much darker, much more physical and less cerebral Holmes with a story that rehashes elements of many action flicks in memory, complete with a strongman giant and malevolent midget. Sadly, I had figured out the main mystery within a few frames of the resurrection of the bad guy. I just cannot get into a kungfu fighting Sherlock, or the Num3ers slo-mo step by step methodologies showing Holmes’ brain at work. Whereas the heroine and her blackjack can take a villain out with one slap, it takes Downey and Law scores of blows and a hardware store to take out their opponents, ostensibly to drag out the overly long action scenes. Honestly, this reminded me of a combination of James Bond and the Wild Wild West in turn of the century London with little of the Holmes idiosycrasies in evidence. Throw in the occult underbelly and overtones along with slaughterhouse and sewer scenes, and you could almost smell this film. How many f...

Idea Park

Sometimes I use this space to park ideas for further exploration later. Today's idea is that of a leader as an architect of synergy. When a leader is only able to bring all the parties he leads to the table as a conglomeration of individual interests, the results are gridlock and less than the sum of their parts. Results are stringently limited. When a leader leverages leadership qualities, results happen that are more than the sum of the part. there is a creative stewardship involved in this. The character of these results are based in the character of the qualities leveraged, that is, by the quality of authority or power invested in him/her, by the power of personality, or by the power of compelling compassion and service- or any of the many other qualities of a leader. Virtue begets virtue, and vice begets vice. You will know them by their fruit, Christ said... to be explored further....


To revel in the presence Of the source of all delight To come and bow in reverence Transformed from blight to right We were made for this We were made for this To enter into bliss. In his glory at His throne Reveling here in Christ alone To be never separated In adoration unabated To linger there our one desire We will gaze on him and never tire Raptured by His righteousness There at the mercy seat To be forever, always blessed Our destiny complete Where glory to glory reflects And praise upon praise resounds And light to light is mirrored In resplendent radiance found Where wrong is set right By His covering made clean Lesser desires will fade from sight In the light of the unseen. We were made for this We were made for this To enter into bliss. In his glory at His throne Reveling here in Christ alone Anthony Foster December 26, 2009

Seek the Child of Heaven

He is the Word that had to be said He is the prayer we pray. He is the gift that arose from the dead A gift to give away He made the star in the skies That points the way in the night He is the one that gives it light And oh He shines so bright Burn away the darkness that blinds us Burn away the darkness that binds us And give us sight Oh give us sight To see the Son is to see The God who is unseen We see the Son and see His purpose for every thing Seek the child Oh seek the child The child of heaven reconciles He sets the prisoner free To arise and to shine bright In His presence whole and holy Whole and Holy Whole and Holy Enter in and stand in glory Seek the child of heaven Come and shine within His light Gloria to the glorious one Our Creator is revealed His glory he now shows God on High is here below So that we can know So that we can know…. Anthony Foster December 26, 2009

Best Laugh of the Day

Glad to see Dave Barry hasn't lost his touch- here's his 2009 in review ....

What I saw at Southern Lights @ the Kentucky Horse Park

12 Snowflakes blinking 11 Toy soldiers 10 Disney displays 9 Snowmen waving 8 Reindeer flying 7 Gingerbread men 6 Famous fables 5 Ninjas fighting 4 Horses racing 3 Bears a flashing 2 Jedi dueling 1 Santa’s limo And no baby Jesus nowhere! So I must echo the sentiments: Bah, Humbug!!!!

Musings and Meditations at Christmas

The great shame and the great sin of the world is not complicated. It is simply and only and always-- undervaluing Jesus. This takes on a multitude of forms from blatant rebellion and cosmic anarchy on one end of the continuum, to sentimentalizing Christ and making him a safe, warm, and fuzzy buddy that you can take or leave. Sin violates who Jesus is. It is seeking sustinence and pleasure in his gifts rather than enjoying the one who gave them. In enjoying his gifts, even then we must enjoy them in the way that they were intended to be enjoyed. So whether the sin is calling God a liar in not believing his Word, or in substituting the pursuit of ease comfort and pleasure for pursuing him, or in devastating your family and body with runaway desires, in the end it boils down to this truth. To value Jesus- who is of the ultimate worth in the universe, less than he is due is worthy of death. The world offers many competitors and substitutes that vie for our attentions,loyalties, and ener...

The Blind Side- a review

I'm not much of a sucker for schmaltz, so I don't watch much of the Hallmark Channel. I must admit that I half expected this film to be of that ilk, but I was pleasantly surprised. There were points that danced dangerously close to that tune...but all in all this was a good story, and a fine performance from Sandra Bullock, who carried the film through some treacherous territory where it might have descended into being just another tear-jerker. We've gained a bit of experience on the inside of the foster care system and know of the heroic actions of many who put their money where their mouths are when it comes to care and compassion. People really can change a life by taking care of widows and orphans, but it's equally true that their own lives are changed in the process. Bullock was convincing as well as entertaining. The depiction of the role the kids in the family made in making the intervention work was a good touch. The down side: Tim McGraw is really a weak link a...

New Jerusalem

The new Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem Where the lamb is the light and the tree of life grows And the stream of living water flows and flows and flows With a stone and a new name, in the new Jerusalem. Oh blessed day when it descends- the new Jerusalem. To be changed into the likeness Of the risen lamb To be transformed into righteousness Forever to stand In the presence of the most High Or to fall upon our face Before the awesome throne of grace. The new Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem Where the lamb is the light and the tree of life grows And the stream of living water flows and flows and flows With a stone and a new name, in the new Jerusalem. Oh blessed day when it descends- the new Jerusalem. Now as we celebrate his birth We see the portent of his worth In the now and in the not yet In the future that’s already set. The earth by glory is consumed The day God’s rose has fully bloomed. In His Incarnation we see the sign to come For the final Word is said and done. Anthony Foster December...

One Life

One life is not enough So we shall see forever With one purpose in mind Our ties with sin to sever And then true purpose we shall find. One life is not enough To apprehend His glory To know His worth To know His victory And so His kingdom comes to earth. One life is all we’re given To receive the life beyond One life to be forgiven To take on His precious bonds. One life to live within the light To be redeemed and be made right All this life is a gift in which we trust. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. One life is not enough To render all the praise One tongue to speak One voice to raise. One heart and mind with which to seek. One life is not enough So we shall gain eternity To pray and praise On our knees, yes on our knees Worshipping the ancient of days. One life is all we’re given To receive the life beyond One life to be forgiven To take on His precious bonds. One life to live within the light To be redeemed and be made right To be declared righteous and just All this life is a gif...

Our Christmas Traditions

We started recounting them this weekend and came up with these- there are probably more, but this is a good representation ...

Warm My Soul

I would warm my soul by the fire of your glory I would warm my soul in your light I would draw e’re close to the fostering fire And steel myself 'gainst the wintery night. As I bask in the warmth of your most holy fire To remain in this place I will yearn Till my soul’s consumed with the warmth of its glow And with the light of your glory I burn. By Your Spirit my embers are stirred By your Spirit my heart has heard And the stone cold ash is set ablaze As here in your fire I stand amazed. By a flame that burns but does not destroy The branches are consumed by pure joy I would warm my soul by the fire of compassion I would warm my soul in your light I would feel the fire in my bones growing stronger As I stand in the fire and I fight. I would see the spark that you place in me Be stirred to a bonfire so bright That its heat will burn all the dross of my life As I warm my soul in your light. I would warm my soul by the fire of compassion I would warm my soul in your light I would f...


Oh dayspring from on high Oh star that lights the sky Visit us and visit now As humbly in our hearts we bow. Arise in us and shine. To them that in the darkness sit Here in the shadow of death’s pit A light has shown to guide our feet Into the way of peace. That by your light is lit. Child of heaven now we sing Of your altar and your offering Your sacrifice the perfect gift And so to you our eyes we lift You who know our suffering Oh heaven’s precious gift is given Through tender mercy we’re forgiven To dwell within his glorious light Redeemed and reconciled, made right Christ has accomplished our release And so we know his perfect peace Oh amazing incomparable worth Beyond all value on the earth Oh rising sun of righteousness We lift our voices to confess Oh Jesus we celebrate your birth.

We had thought about going to hear this

Program Information: Michael Sandel Renowned Harvard professor and author of Justice: What We Owe One Another as Citizens - and How We Can Think About It Together Justice, or Moral Reasoning 22, a course in moral and political philosophy taught by Harvard Professor of Government, Michael Sandel, draws more than 1,200 students each year. One of the most visited pages on the Harvard website (link) carries a video in which Sandel addresses a rapt audience on dilemmas dreamt up by philosophers in order to get people to reflect on their beliefs about the relationship between action and intention. His new book, Justice, offers readers the same exhilarating journey that captivates his students- the challenge of thinking our way through the hard moral challenges we confront as citizens, inviting readers of all political persuasions to consider familiar controversies in fresh and illuminating ways. Interviewer: John S. Carroll Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former editor of the Los Angel...

Wise Words from Thomas Sowell

This is one of Earnie's favorite writers; she reads him on a regular basis. Here's a smattering of wisdom on a variety of subjects- immensely quotable. For instance: "“Many colleges claim that they develop ‘leaders.’ All too often, that means turning out graduates who cannot feel fulfilled unless they are telling other people what to do. There are already too many people like that, and they are a menace to everyone else's freedom.”"