One Life

One life is not enough
So we shall see forever
With one purpose in mind
Our ties with sin to sever
And then true purpose we shall find.

One life is not enough
To apprehend His glory
To know His worth
To know His victory
And so His kingdom comes to earth.

One life is all we’re given
To receive the life beyond
One life to be forgiven
To take on His precious bonds.
One life to live within the light
To be redeemed and be made right
All this life is a gift in which we trust.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

One life is not enough
To render all the praise
One tongue to speak
One voice to raise.
One heart and mind with which to seek.

One life is not enough
So we shall gain eternity
To pray and praise
On our knees, yes on our knees
Worshipping the ancient of days.

One life is all we’re given
To receive the life beyond
One life to be forgiven
To take on His precious bonds.
One life to live within the light
To be redeemed and be made right
To be declared righteous and just
All this life is a gift in which we trust.

Anthony Foster
December 14, 2009


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