
Oh dayspring from on high
Oh star that lights the sky
Visit us and visit now
As humbly in our hearts we bow.
Arise in us and shine.
To them that in the darkness sit
Here in the shadow of death’s pit
A light has shown to guide our feet
Into the way of peace.
That by your light is lit.
Child of heaven now we sing
Of your altar and your offering
Your sacrifice the perfect gift
And so to you our eyes we lift
You who know our suffering
Oh heaven’s precious gift is given
Through tender mercy we’re forgiven
To dwell within his glorious light
Redeemed and reconciled, made right
Christ has accomplished our release
And so we know his perfect peace
Oh amazing incomparable worth
Beyond all value on the earth
Oh rising sun of righteousness
We lift our voices to confess
Oh Jesus we celebrate your birth.
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