Belated Birthday 7

OOPS. Missed the fact that I have been blogging seven years as of January 18th. So much for seven being the number of perfection.

I hope the blog will be a bit more focused and vital going forward, and as much fun as it was to start. Not much of value here recently, I realize, but that is on my to do list to change!


  1. Seven years! Yes, candles and balloons are called for! My blog will hit one year on June 12th. (No deductions allowed for 3 month sabbaticals).

    Regarding your suggestions to self, "more focused" and "vital", I think you need to decide what you want to accomplish. Perhaps you need 2 or 3 blogs, one for Today's Culture, one for Humor, and one for Personalia. Or perhaps the latter two can be combined. (I think there is a place for broad-based blogs though...)

    As for me, I may start up a second blog about Lewis, Tolkien, and their works -- but initially, PARTICULARLY about their lives.

    Note: if not vital, at least they are focused.


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