Gold and Silver, Precious Stones

Gold and silver, precious stones
Not wood nor hay nor straw
Build a life that God condones
A temple raised in awe.

Gold and silver, precious stones
Not wood nor straw nor hay
Build a life where God alone
Will say well done on that day

For the greatest work, the exalted aim
Is to hear “well done, you are without blame”
The highest goal and the noblest end
Is found in the role of pleasing Him.

Gold and silver, precious stones
Not wood or hay or stubble
Build a life on the Rock alone
That endures in the day of trouble.

Wood and hay and straw are burnt
When tested by the fire
Gold and silver, Precious stones
Are what our lives require.

For he is the power that works in Us
So strive with all of His might
We are God’s workmanship made just
Our ambition is to walk in the light-
To be pleasing in His sight.

Gold and silver, precious stones
Not wood or hay or straw
Build a life that God condones
A temple without flaw.

Anthony Foster
March 12, 2010


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