His Glory IS Our Good

Set your heart fully on the grace brought to you
Lay aside the futile way for the freedom bought for you
Lay aside the worldly pursuits that will soon fall away
Pursue the glory of the Lord, seek Him and obey.

For His glory IS our good
Once this truth is understood
It changes all our hopes and dreams
To gold and jewels from hay and wood
For His glory is our good.

We have seen his glory,
The glory of the Only ONE,
Who came from the Father,
Full of grace and truth, God’s precious SON.

He made the riches of his glory
known to the objects of his mercy,
Whom he prepared in advance for glory
And so we sing the marvelous story.

And we, who with unveiled faces
Reflect the Lord's glory and graces,
We are being truly transformed
Into his likeness we’re being conformed
His ever-increasing glory is shown
And it comes from the Lord alone

For His glory IS our good
Once this truth is understood
It changes all our hopes and dreams
To gold and jewels from hay and wood
For His glory is our good.

2 Cor 3:18
Romans 9:23

Anthony Foster
March 23, 2010


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