May my thirsting never cease
The more I drink and the more I eat
Whets an appetite that’s incomplete
I hunger for your righteousness
To dwell in me here in my breast
I thirst for water that ever flows
The more I drink my desire grows
Insatiable is my righteous need
The need for you to intercede
The need for your presence evermore
This is what I was created for.
For an insatiable heart toward you I plead
I need you Lord, and that need never ends
Though I am indwelt by you, it all depends
On a humble heart that apprehends your spirit here in me
Oh Jesus help me see reality the way you see…
Until I see with unveiled eyes
Until I see the reasons why
That day when you’ll reveal to me
The depths and heights of your mercy
Till then we live in the unseen light
Till our hearts are satisfied by sight.
Anthony Foster
March 23, 2010
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