Our sins were Borne

Our sins were borne
Before we were born..
On our behalf
Christ bore the wrath
My deliverance made sure
Though conceived needing the cure
Before I believed it was secure…
Redeemer of the world

All glory to Christ’s Name
All glory to Christ’s Name
I will never bear the blame
To live is Christ and to die is gain.

One died in the place of all
Turned back the curse, reversed the fall
He died for us
In Him we Trust
A substitute so resolute
He tore my sin out by the root
He took my place
Now he pleads my case
The iniquity of us all
On his head it did fall
Redeemer of the world

He bore our sins in his body
On the cross, on the tree
Purchased the Church by his blood
Oh crimson flood, oh crimson flood
He died and God was satisfied
He died and I was justified.
He died for all who died in him
Sufficient savior for all men
Efficient for those who have faith in Him
Redeemer of the world.

Anthony Foster
March 7, 2010


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