Redemption’s Fountain

Flowing blood, Precious blood
Covers the ransomed redeemed
Saved from sin’s chains
Loss becomes our gain
Made low, He shall be esteemed

Flowing love, precious love
Covers the sinsick soul
Saves from sin’s chains
The blood attains
To restore and make us whole

Redemptions fountain ever flows
Out from the mercy seat it goes
To a dry and weary land it sends its stream
At redemption’s fountain cleanse
All your filthy rags and sins
For the fount contains the power to redeem.

Flowing love, precious blood
Renews our lives each day
He became our sin
We’re God’s righteousness in Him
Christ is The Truth that Lights the Way.

Redemption’s fountain ever flows
Out from the mercy seat it goes
To a dry and weary land it sends its stream
At redemption’s fountain cleanse
All your filthy rags and sins
For the fount contains the power to redeem.

Anthony Foster
March 7, 2010


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