Life and Death

Sin brings death, sin brings death
It will break your heart and steal your breath
For sin requires that blood be shed
You’ll never live till sin is dead.

Christ brings life, Christ brings life
By the pow’r of His One sacrifice
He laid life down and took it up
We are fed by His bread and cup

The author of life was crucified
And in his dying death has died
In His resurrection so we rise
A body that now never dies.
There is only one sacrifice, only one name
Only one deliverance from age to age the same
Only one refuge from the guilt and the blame
Only one Savior praise God that He came!

Sin brings death, Christ brings life
The cure for the sinsick souls’ strife
Forgiveness and Christ’s own righteousness
Are ours when His name we confess.

Christ brings life. Christ brings life
He shapes us with His pruning knife
To guide our growth and make us strong
To flower and bear good fruit e’re long.

April 16, 2010
Anthony Foster


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