My Only Boast

There is no grace I have within
My self has nothing to commend
All that is in me all that I am
Alll that I own is in the Lamb

I have no goodness of my own
There’s naught in me but Christ alone
No other worthiness to claim
Except the faithful and true Name

I have no claim on purity
I have no claim on the holy
I have no lofty place to stand
I only plead the risen lamb

The lamb who was made sin for us
He bled and died to win for us
All we need to be reconciled
For he was righteous, undefiled

My only boast, my only aim
My only hope in In His name
My only cause, my only trust
Is in the One who calls me Just

Christ is my only place to stand
Two things are graven on his hands
His scars eternally remain
There alongside we read our names

So in that weakness now I boast
I am the least He is the most
All that I am, all I will be
Is hid in Him eternally

My only joy my only plea
Is in the lamb who died for me
My only choice is found in Christ
My security, his sacrifice

I have no words; I am defiled
He knows the weakness of this child
So I have fallen at his feet
My only boast, that I am weak.

My only boast, my only claim
Is in the power of His name
My only hope, my only plea
Is that His blood was shed for me

To live is Christ, To die is gain
So live for Christ while we remain
Our Master soon brings His reward
Our heritage be the Lord

My only plan, all I believe
All I have is what I received
My only boast, my only plea
Is that His blood was shed for me

Anthony Foster
April 16, 2010

Written in meditation this evening after a long week


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