Put in the Sickle

The seed that's in the wayside cast
Will never root and never last
The birds will snatch away the seed
For untilled ground is where they feed

The stony ground of a hard heart
Will receive the seed but will not start
To see it grow and soon it dies
When troubles come and fears arise

The thorny bramble will choke out
The seed cast there is crushed by doubt
But saving faith will bear much fruit
When life springs from Christ's righteous root.

The Spirit ploughs the stony ground
The Word of God the Tiller sounds
For man's heart is but fallow dust
But broken brambles yield forth trust

The seed that's sown now sprouts and grows
And how this happens no one knows
The Lord Himself sees that it is done
Put in the sickle, the harvest has come.

It is men's hearts that are the soil
And so the heart is where Christ toils
It is to us to sow the seed
For Christ provides all that you need

The seed that's sown now sprouts and grows
And how this happens no one knows
The Lord Himself sees that it is done
Put in the sickle, the harvest has come.

April 14, 2010
Anthony Foster
Written while attending a sermon by John MacArthur at T4G


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