This has been an excellent conference- sorry I had to cut it short to get back to pressing matters at work.

This was denoted as the largest gathering of Southern Baptist pastors of the year, but it was noted that this is also the largest PCA and Sovereign Grace pastors' conference as well. Lots of ladies there too and many of the folks I spoke with were not pastors or on a church staff.

We almost didn't drive back to the Convention Center last evening for the session, but I am so glad we did. Linked up with Stephen Keene and Rob Turner. It was so good to sit with those dear brothers in the midst of the crowd. Been to a load of conferences through the years but this one will be memorable. R. C. Sproul yesterday, John MacArthur this morning and Piper tonight. I was hungry for good spiritual food. You can get this in the comfort of home over the internet, but being there live with 7000 plus and seeing friends in the process is much better in every way...except for the inconvenience of Louisville drivers:-(

I listen to quite a lot of John Piper and have read most of his major works, so just when I think I've heard most of what he has to say, he pulls out one of those sermons that will be a watershed for me for years to come. It'll be on the T4G site after the conference and I will link to it here.Scroll down the page once there!


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