Wonder in the Wilderness

In this desert wilderness
Every heart is parched and dry
Amidst the trials and the tests
We wander as we wonder why
In this barren wilderness
Where there’s nothing to sustain
The starving soul is left to guess
If life will still remain

There is a fountain and there is a feast
And there is a mountain rising in the East
Where the Savior shall stand when the trumpet shall sound
In a dry and weary land life will surely abound.
But till that day we shall confess
These lessons of the wilderness
And in the midst of this wasteland
A pillar of cloud and of fire sifts the sand
Christ’s presence still abides
In the heart that will seek Him as guide.

And Jesus floods our thirsting hearts
In a wilderness we are set apart
Jesus feeds our hungering souls
When His presence is our highest goal
Jesus fills our searching minds
And manna from heaven we will find
He feeds our faith when we confess
His wonder in the wilderness.

And Jesus floods our thirsting hearts
In a wilderness we are set apart
Jesus feeds our hungering souls
When His presence is our highest goal
Jesus fills our searching minds
And manna from heaven we will find
He feeds our faith when we confess
His wonder in the wilderness.

Anthony Foster
May 16, 2010


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