Oh For the Day

Lord in these days of darkness and doubt
Make our lips quick to confess and cry out
Profound and sincere repentance from deep in our heart
May we bring open eyes and hearing ears
From tender hearts may love cast out our fears
In the brightness and the glories of the cross set us apart.

For the darkness is blinding and the shadows are deep
Through the now and the not yet You are our keep.

Oh for the day when our faith becomes sight
Oh for the day when our souls cease to fight
Oh for the day undimmed glory shines bright
Oh for the day, oh for the day

Oh for the day all our Sins are confessed
Oh for the day -When we pass the last test
Oh for the day When Christ is fully blessed
Oh for the day He comes
Oh for the day Christ comes!

Oh for the day of glory divine
Oh for the day That we transcend all time
Oh for the day Sight comes to the blind
Oh for the day He comes
Oh for the day Christ comes!

Anthony Foster
June 27, 2010


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