Holy Hiding Place

Oh we wrestle then we rest
Try so hard to pass the test
Anxious spirits need Your grace
Here in our Holy hiding place

We’re exhausted by our best
Our self effort’s rarely blessed
We need to cease to state our case
And come to the Holy hiding place

We would cease to wrestle
As we seek to nestle
Safe beneath Your winsome wing
Here in peace we safely sing

Here Your perfect peace attains
Here our losses become gains
Where peace in righteous fullness reigns…

We will only cease the quest
When our weakness we’ve confessed
Retiring from the pace of the race
Here in our Holy hiding place

Oh we wrestle then we rest
By life’s turmoil we are stressed
We would fall in Christ’s embrace
Here in our Holy hiding place
Here we see God face to face
Here in our Holy hiding place.

Anthony Foster
Julay 23, 2010


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