
Oh the glory set before your eye
Was a heavy weight and a means to fly
It sheds a grace that cannot be ignored
It makes me the raging love that is love’s reward.

Shine on our lives and make us aware
Of the profound power that we bear
Upon your Word and Will we wait
Help us to bear your glory’s weight.

Living to die and dying to live
We stand or fall by the power to forgive
So in your power we participate
Make us to bear your glory’s weight.

A furious and ferocious fire
A devastating draught of divine desire
Lord let it consume the haughty heart
There is no power that can tear us apart.

Fashion a fortress of forgiveness divine
Set us in a tower of your power’s design
We persevere, prevail and participate
As you make us bear your glory’s weight.

Anthony Foster
August 25, 2010


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