Throne of Grace

We have a great high priest who is wise
Who has passed through the heavenlies
When we are weak he will sympathize
Tempted in every way but without sin is he
And he never dies, he never dies
He sits on the throne of grace

Therefore let us approach with confidence
The throne of grace where he reigns
Our great high priest will be our defense
So mercy’s received and grace attains
For the weary soul that repents…
Before the throne of grace

No blood of birds or bulls or goats
There is only one sacrifice
Just as Adam and Eve received the coats
Only one covering lamb will suffice
Only one intercessor, Only One priest
Who offers his own blood and on his flesh we feast
Certain his redemption will mean our release
Before the throne of grace.

Oh throne of grace where mercy sweet
Flows down from on the the mercy seat
Where justice and mercy finally meet
Upon the throne of grace

Oh throne of grace where Christ alone
Now rules and glory is made known
Oh I would be a footstool for this throne
The very throne of grace.

October 8, 2010
Anthony Foster


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